Things wedding guests should never do & How you can elevate your wedding guest experience on your wedding day to avoid these situations...

Whenever you are a part of a wedding day experience, whether it is your special day or you are a guest at a wedding, being a well-behaved person is a must. But sometimes, people tend to go overboard with excitement (especially the guests) and their behavior can result in a very wrong interpretation of events. Well, to avoid that from happening in the first place, if you are attending a wedding any time soon, then this is a list that might be designed just for you! We have prepared some things that guests should not even think of doing at a wedding, and it is imperative to follow them! Now let’s begin.

Wearing white – this is one of those wedding day things that can happen if someone who is not very fond of the bride attends the celebration, or simply someone who wishes to be in the center of attention even though it is not their day. As a guest, everyone needs to remember that the bride and groom are the only ones that are to wear a white wedding outfit, and that is it. Weddings nowadays, to avoid these things from happening, usually have a dress code, and it is usually in a specific color (black, red, etc).

Female wearing white dress

Avoiding RSVP – if a couple has dedicated the time to create a wedding invitation with your name (and a plus one), then make sure to RSVP in time so they can put their seating chart together. Organizing a wedding can be quite the hassle if the guests are not serious enough to RSVP to a simple wedding invitation. This is why nowadays, one of the solutions is much simpler – the invitations are sent via email to avoid any delays, and everyone replies within a week, or the invitation is withdrawn.

Wedding Reception Seating Arrangements

Viewing the wedding couple as a travel agent – if you are coming to a different city for a wedding, try not to bore the happy couple with details in terms of where to stay and what to do. They already have a lot on their plate and it is advisable to keep out of their way. As an organizer, if you have some people arriving from out of town just for your wedding day, then make sure to provide them with some affordable options where they can spend the night. This is how you can avoid entire conversations about who is going to sleep where, and give yourself a bit of peace before your big day.

Female Guest Enjoying Travelling whilst visiting friends at their destination wedding

Show up late – when you have been invited to a wedding, the date and time tend to be right in front of you – so respect that! Avoid being one of those guests where “something happened” that resulted in you arriving late to the wedding, or worse – in the middle of the ceremony. This is why couples are usually advised to keep a closed ceremony from the moment it begins (just like a theatre), where if you are a bit late, you don’t get to go in at all.

Bring an unexpected guest – the wedding day is fast approaching, and you don’t have a date to take with you to your friend’s special day! Thankfully, at the last minute, you manage to score a date and are over-the-moon happy that you are going with someone to the wedding. However, when you RSVP-ed, you did not tick the box that said plus one, and now you are consciously bringing an extra person to a wedding, where a seating chart has been prepared and there is no extra room. This is something that is bound to give the happy couple a headache, so try to avoid doing it if possible. On the other hand, here is a tip for couples – always calculate some extra spots “just in case”. This is a safe bet when organizing a wedding with a lot of people and can spare your nerves.


Ignore the dress code – so the wedding is fast approaching, and you have found the absolute perfect piece of clothing to wear, an outfit that would be unforgettable. Except, it does not coincide with the dress code on the invitation. Well, in these cases, don’t avoid having to make the hard talk with yourself, leave the outfit you have chosen and choose something that would line up with what the happy couple asked you to wear. Maybe there is a themed wedding, and you sure don’t want to be the odd one out, right? For those couples who are organizing a wedding, if you are thinking dress code, it will ease things up if you make it a semi-formal event – there is not a single person in the world without an elegant and stylish outfit, so this is a nice way to ease the process for both yourselves and your guests.

Post a picture of the bride on social media – this one is an absolute no-no. You have just arrived at the place where the bride is preparing for her special day, you are all excited, maybe have a glass of champagne to celebrate, and out go the smartphones! The bride wants to reveal herself in a special manner that will coincide with the entire energy of the wedding, and a guest posting pictures of her on social media just before she does that is frowned upon. This is why brides tend to have all the mobile devices taken away from the bridesmaids and anyone who enters the preparation area by a member of the staff (the phones are usually kept in a box) so that a disaster can be averted.

If you have found yourself in a situation where you need to manage your guests individually, then something has gone wrong. Nevertheless, there is always a solution to the improper actions of the guests at a wedding, and we are hoping we have given at least some slight assistance in what not to do and how to handle a situation (or avoid it completely). We are hoping that you have a lovely day ahead and we wish you a happy wedding day!

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